Sometimes Never, Sometimes Always by Elissa Janine Hoole

Sometimes Never, Sometimes Always

by Elissa Janine Hoole

For Cassandra Randall, there's a price to pay for being a secret atheist in a family of fundamentalists--she has nothing good to write on an online personality quiz; her best friend is drifting away; and she's failing English because she can't express her true self in a poem. But when she creates a controversial advice blog just to have something in her life to call her own, there's no way she can predict the devastating consequences of her actions. As her world fractures before her very eyes, Cass must learn to listen to her own sense of right and wrong in the face of overwhelming expectations.

Reviewed by Kelly on

4 of 5 stars

Sometimes Never, Sometimes always could possibly be the coming of age novel that represents small town America. Cass is a follower but desperately wants to march to the beat of her own drum, she just doesn't know how. Her parents believe in the power of prayer, that supernatural novels are the devils work and that teenagers have no right to privacy. What happens when teens are forced into leading a life of sunshine and rainbows? They rebel, but Cass's rebellion is subtle, it's the influence of others and her lack of self confidence that are her undoing.

Elissa Janine Hoole has woven a story that incorporates fears that all teens will relate to, cyber bullying, finding independence, the loss of friendship and first crushes, the inclusion of small town bigotry and the church's extreme views against, well, basically everything that could be seen as fun, may leave staunch followers a little uncomfortable. I'm by no means religious, but do understand that religion should be based on forgiveness and respect for your fellow man, but the Joyful News Bible Church is extreme in their views. I really enjoyed it, it was engaging, and the supporting characters leave an impact, even the Gordon High mean girls. I would love to read Drew's story, she could be the inner voice of most struggling teens.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2013: Reviewed