Tigress Of Forli by Elizabeth Lev

Tigress Of Forli (Great Lives)

by Elizabeth Lev

Botticelli painted her, Machiavelli slandered her. She led troops into battle, married a Medici, and was imprisoned by the Borgias. Between her birth in 1463 as the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Milan, to her death in 1509 as a member of the powerful Medici family, Caterina Sforza's life crossed the firmament of Italy's High Renaissance like a shooting star.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

I have always found the Renaissance to be a wonderful time period for the arts but I'm just recently discovering the more prominent characters of the time. I decided to read this because I haven't had the chance to do any sort of research on Caterina Sforza, and all I know of her comes from a video game which while it is accurate in many historical details it does take some liberties.

I found this to be a extremely well researched and highly enjoyable read. The author clearly has a way with words and though she uses only documented instances she manages to make them feel more fleshed out and detailed. It does read similar to a history text book that you'd find in a college class but in my experience with college texts this has been considerable more enjoyable overall then I've ever had with a mere text book. The events that occur throughout are not merely mentioned but also explained and the reader is given some sight as to the Renaissance mindset of both the political figures as well as the citizens. There are also a great amount of quotes from both Caterina and others. You can get a sense of what Caterina may have been thinking and why she reacted the way she did. While book is mainly about her it also allows you to glimpse how the rest of continental Europe was fairing, and mentions quite a few names that help you get a since of when things happened. Her husbands and children are explained as much as possible and her recorded interactions with them gives a glimpse at how the enigmatic woman lived.

Having very little information on the powerful Italian woman I was quite surprised throughout the book. The amount of tribulation that this woman dealt with is staggering and all before the age of 46. I found her personality to be one that is worth idolizing, she was truly a strong and independent woman in a time where she was suppose to be a quiet shadow. Her strength during the many political and military encounters is admirable and I can honestly say I wish I was half the woman she was.

If you enjoy historical biographies then I was suggest this book to you, I found it to be both informative and enjoyable.

I received this from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 24 August, 2011: Reviewed