Tough Luck Cowboy by A.J. Pine

Tough Luck Cowboy

by A.J. Pine

Luke Everett has never played it safe. When herding cattle wasn't enough of an adrenaline rush, the rodeo circuit came next. His heart is the one thing he won't ever put on the line, and he knows how to protect himself from the kind of pain that can't be healed with a little rest and relaxation--or an occasional hospital visit. But after a rodeo accident, Luke's brother puts him on the special events staff with Lily, the one woman he's always wanted--but couldn't have.

Working with Luke gives Lily Green the opportunity to see the man behind the fearless cowboy façade, and she likes what she sees. So much so that it's hard to deny the attraction simmering between them. But when she learns how much Luke knew about her ex-husband's infidelity, she'll have to decide if Luke is truly the man she can trust or if their luck just ran out.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Pine adds another entertaining and intense book to the Crossroads Ranch series. The first book in this series left very large boots to fill for me. Poor Luke, in love with Lily for so long but she was married to his best friend until they aren't married anymore.

Somehow, Lily ends up catering her ex-husband's wedding, with Luke as her helper of sorts. A well-written enemies to lovers situation develops between them and it's so entertaining. I really do enjoy Ms. Pine's writing, she gets down to the nitty gritty emotion without bogging you down. Let's not forget how freaking hot the chemistry is between Luke and Lily.

I thoroughly enjoyed Tough Luck Cowboy and I cannot wait for more in the Crossroads Ranch series.

*copy provided by publisher via Netgalley*

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  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2018: Reviewed