A Love Forbidden by Meg Hutchinson

A Love Forbidden

by Meg Hutchinson

Pregnant and deserted by her lover Saul, Miriam Bryce is forced to leave home by her evil mother. When she is injured in a road accident, she is taken to the home of a wealthy local businessman and gets taken into service. There, she discovers her ex-lover Saul, injured by Miriam s brother Ralph, who harbours more than brotherly feelings for her. Saul tries to rape Miriam and she returns home to have her baby, which dies after only two days. After trying to rape Miriam again, Saul is killed by Ralph and, as a result of their mother...Read more

Reviewed by clairelm on

5 of 5 stars

I first read this book in high school and finally found it again in a charity shop recently. I love the story line, it's full of emotion and turmoil but with a satisfyingly happy ending.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 12 October, 2012: Reviewed