Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

The good...

We learned a lot more about Ivan in this book, explaining how he came to be the way he is. It was beyond time for that because there was definitely an air of mystery around him in the first two books.

Overall, I think I liked this book the most thus far. The creepy factor is a big part of that, right alongside the magic and mystery. The imagery throughout this book is beautiful and sometimes haunting.

The bad...

The editing suffered in this book, too, which is just a shame. I still like the book, but it can be a bit distractig.

While I think that a touch of history was needed to explain the themes of the book, there were times when I felt like it was a bit overdone. It was, at times, almost as if I were reading an essay as opposed to fiction. It was needed, but I think it could have been accomplished with a little less "learning".

The ending was still a little abrupt, and I think it bothered me more this time because I am having to wait for Book 4 instead of jumping right into the nexx one.

Diva notes...

No matter the issues I have, the story is still fresh and unique and will keep me reading!

Last modified on

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  • Started reading
  • 15 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2012: Reviewed