Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

This issue didn’t go at all the way I expected, and I’m so unbelievably relieved for that. The conclusion of the last issue had me concerned about the fate of a certain ship (okay, it’s probably obvious which one I’m talking about, but I’m trying not to drop too many spoilers here), but it looks like we’re in the clear.
I’m giving bonus points for surprising me here. They introduced a goddess, and expectations were made based on which one it was. They still had her basic appearance, abilities, and behaviors there, but they allowed her to act more human, and thus less predictably. I’m happy with that particular choice, especially considering the path they could have gone down.
I will admit that on the whole I’m finding the Ares part of this plot confusing. One minute he’s this, another minute he’s acting that way, only to flip again. I know they’re intentionally trying to obfuscate here, but it’s a bit exhausting. I’m reasonably entertained by this plot, but I won’t be sad when it ends either.

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  • 3 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 3 January, 2019: Reviewed