Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Tempting Cameron was a cute, quick romance, following Jane's world-traveling bother. Cameron has always hated small town life, so he rarely ever stops in for a visit. But Jane is getting married, and he recently left his job, so he's home for the summer. Chloe, on the otherhand, is all about small town life and community. She's also had a crush on Cam since she was teen, and it's never gone away. Now that he's back in town, she's hoping for a summer fling. But no sex, since Chloe knows herself well enough to know she'd get attached if they went that far and had Cam up and leave in a couple months.

I thought Tempting Cameron was really sweet. I definitely liked it much better than Jane's Gift, but this one still had a few issues. For starters, the minor memory loss plot was pretty dull. Chloe has a car accident early on after a fight with Cam, and of course, forgets the fight. He decides not to tell her, which obviously is going to blow up in his face, especially since he's the one to take care of her once she's out of the hospital. Guilty much? But other than that, I loved the set up of a temporary relationship. Chloe and Cam have a lot of fun together. She gets the summer love she never had, and he finally feels at home.

Tempting Cameron surprised me. I was worried after Chloe lost her memory, but everything else was sweet and balanced it out nicely. I loved watching Cam transform from a super jerk who can't wait to get away from everyone into a really nice guy. I also liked that he didn't give up on the career that he loved, just because he fell in love with Chloe, and that she didn't give up the small town she loved for him. They found the balance, which is something I always appreciate in a romance.

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  • 15 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 December, 2014: Reviewed