Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Abby is not a stranger to watching her sister’s twin daughters when she went on business trips. But something was different this time. Her nieces were suffering from nightmares, were clingy and had personality changes. But what is concerning Abby even more, she cannot get a hold of her sister….who is on a business trip in Mexico.

Everything changes when Abby hears some strange noises in her basement while she is watching a movie with her nieces. Terrified, she leaves with them to go eat ice cream and calls the police to her house. She is scared because she noticed a person sitting in a car outside her house, watching her, the day before. She doesn’t know what is going on but she has a feeling that her sister and nieces are somehow involved in it.

Her questions are answered when a FBI agent shows up at the ice cream parlor to escort her house. The agent, Damien Kane, believes that her nieces saw a murder at her sister’s job (she worked at a construction site), that her sister found out and was able to get her daughters’ to Abby before being whisked off for a “business” trip out of the country.

Damien is there to protect the girls until they are ready to tell him what they saw that day. So, after a disastrous trip to the FBI psychologist, Damien decides to take Abby and the girls to Cameron, Utah. He figures that there is no safer place than there. Well, it doesn’t end up that way. The killers somehow follow them there and from that point on, it is a game of cat and mouse.

Damien was such a tortured person for most of the book. The author did a great job of not telling everything about what made him so tortured. All I knew, until almost the end, was that he tragically lost a child 3 years before. But, when the full story was revealed, I cried. Legit cried. No wonder he shut himself off and no wonder that Maggie and Casey affected him so much.

Abby irked me for some reason. While she came across as one of those people who took in strays, people and animal, she didn’t act like it at times. I understand she was scared for her nieces but she kinda hindered the investigation when she put off letting the psychologist talk to them. And when he did, and made the girls cry, she swooped in and put an end to it. But, I can understand where she was coming from. She just found out that they might have saw a murder and she can’t get in touch with her sister. She was scared to death.

The romance between Damien and Abby was bittersweet. Damien was so caught up in the past and in his grief, that he couldn’t give Abby anything but sex. Abby, however, started off the same way but quickly fell in love with him.

The sex scenes between them were great. The only thing that I got weirded out about was when he was feeling her up when they took the girls swimming. That made me go kinda “Eh” when I read it. But the other sex scenes were fantastic and they were very hot.

The ending was standard but pretty good. I did like that Damien had to go looking for Abby and the surprise that she had waiting for him and his reaction got me teary eyed. As did the reason she didn’t contact him. The other storylines were wrapped up in a pretty satisfactory way.

While this is a book 2 in the Cameron, Utah series, you can read it as a standalone. There are mentions to book 1 but, and I liked this, this book was taking place the same time as the events in Rodeo Man. So you know something is going on there (if you haven’t read that book) but the focus is on the events going on in this book. If that makes sense….lol.

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • 28 December, 2016: Reviewed