Reviewed by bookishzelda on

There are so many reasons that I like Illusion by Lea Nolan. Great characters, good plot and interesting magic. Which is different than anything most magic related stories I’ve read because it’s Hoodoo, which yes is different than Voodoo but there is some of that in there as well.This has really been a great series.

The plot is always interesting and there are always things going on. There are different levels to each problem. We have Cooper and Emma’s feeling for eachother, which she is only battling because she’s trying to protect him. Emma’s brother Jack is doing all kinds of research using old ledgers from Cooper’s dad/boohag secret lair. We have the issues with Miss Delia and Claude set on making her pay for something that we are not hundred percent sure what that is. Of course Sabina is after Emma. Taneea is her own whirlwind problem. It sounds like all of this could be too much but it’s not because all interweaves together to make this blanket plot that is fast paced and action packed.

I love how descriptive the spells are. It’s not too much to overwhelm you but it’s enough to be really cool. The idea of using the different ingredients and cantations and it also explains what is happening when it’s cast. You get a little more depth with the magic.

I absolutely loved Zora. I liked how she was a good friend but you could tell she knew more then she was letting on. Which made me totally love her. I would have been too weak and shown my cards right away.

We get some more insight into Miss D’s past and the twins ancestry (the ledger research). Which is interesting to learn since even Emma get’s frustrated with all the riddles it feels like people talk in. Well you can always tell they are leaving things out.

The story has its casualties as much as it has it’s wins. I really liked how things came together at the end because everything in the series had been working toward it. One of my favorite magic related series and I think if you haven’t read it you should.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 October, 2015: Reviewed