Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

I struggled a little with the second book, in part because she was juggling three possible suitors. I was excited to see Donata has grown from those experiences and is much more confident about who she is without losing her snarky, kickass attitude.

Magnus, a previous lover whom she has never really taken seriously as a mate, comes to her for help. It seems the God Odin has abandoned his Ulfhednar shapechangers community and that ghosts are appearing without speaking before those facing the ULF trials. He asks her to come and speak to the dead and clear up the situation. His community is set in rural Maine, and it was fascinating learning more about these shapeshifters and their ways. It was interesting seeing the communities reaction to Danata, and it added both humor and conflict. I adored Magnus's mother and loved the creative ways she eased Donata's way.

I have always loved the chemistry and easiness between Magnus and Donata. You can see they genuinely care for one another and are friends first. They rekindle their passion, but Donata sees a clear end date. A few twists including a fake engagement complicate things, and I enjoyed the ride.

The mystery was an interesting one that was hampered by the Ulfhednar's reluctance to speak to Donata, magic and more. Blake provided plenty of twists. The tricks she had Donata use were clever.  I found myself fascinated by this community, their traditions, and the trials. The author did a great job of giving us their history while building the suspense and suspect list. While I had my list of suspects and foreshadowing lead the way, Blake added a few surprises.

Of course, Donata has a way of finding trouble, and it follows her to Maine. Se had to deal with the council, a friend of Anton Eastman and problems with her spells. Good times! Veiled Enchantments wrapped up threads and had enough closure that it left me wondering if we will see more of Donata and the Veiled Magic series. I hope so. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 18 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 18 February, 2018: Reviewed