Season of the Witch by Natasha Mostert

Season of the Witch

by Natasha Mostert

Gabriel Blackstone is a cool, hip, thoroughly twenty-first century Londoner with an unusual talent. A computer hacker by trade, he is also a remote viewer: able to ‘slam a ride’ through the minds of others.

But he uses his gift only reluctantly -- until he is contacted by an ex-lover who begs him to find her step-son, last seen months earlier in the company of two sisters.

And so Gabriel visits Monk House, a place where time seems to stand still, and where the rooms are dominated by the coded symbol of a cross and circle.

As winter closes in, Gabriel becomes increasingly bewitched by the house, and by its owners, the beautiful and mysterious Monk sisters. But even as he falls in love, he knows that one of them is a killer.

But which one? And what is the secret they are so determined to protect?

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Gabriel Blackstone is a hacker. He mines companies for data and sells it to the highest bidder, often on commission. He's also a remote viewer, ignoring his psychic skills he isn't really prepared for the return of an old girlfriend looking for a favour.

She's married and her step-son is missing, last seen in the company of the rather strange Monk sisters. When Gabriel gets involved he has to embrace his abilities and discover something about the high magic the sisters are involved in.

It's a modern version of Dion Fortune and the like. Interesting with some well drawn characters.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 September, 2008: Finished reading
  • 19 September, 2008: Reviewed