The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

The Little White Horse (Knight Books) (Gregg Press Children's Literature)

by Elizabeth Goudge

The beautiful valley of Moonacre is shadowed by the memory of the Moon Princess and the mysterious little white horse. When orphaned Maria Merryweather comes there to stay, she finds herself involved with an ancient feud. She is determined to restore peace and happiness to the whole of Moonacre Valley. And Maria usually gets her own way This edition of The Little White Horse - winner of the Carnegie Medal in 1946 and since cited by J.K. Rowling as her childhood favourite - is designed as a nostalgic reminder of the original edition with a classic hardback binding, plus the original line drawings and colour plate.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

A story set in Victorian England with an orphan who moves to her uncles house. Her uncle is a man who is deeply involved in the local myths and legends and accepts them without question. Many years ago there was a conflict between his ancestors and the ancestors of the Dark Men and this has continued to this day, legend says that there will come a moon princess who will cure this rancor and allow all the people in the area to live together in harmony.

There are moments where this is quite a fun read but there are also moments that seemed to be a little too full of "look, here, allegory". Still not a bad read and I'm glad I picked it up.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 December, 2009: Finished reading
  • 6 December, 2009: Reviewed