Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

 This book came highly recommended to me by a friend and fellow book lover. This book has been on my TBR for some time now. I must admit, I was a bit hesitant to start the book based on several of the reviews that I read, which did not put the book in a favourable light. In addition to that I had no experience with the author’s work. However, I reminded myself that what works for one reader does not necessarily works for another reader. As a result, I decided to move past my doubts and gave the book a shot. I found Frost on my Window to be a unique read.
First of all I must say I don’t consider this to be a romance. There are romantic elements, but the way in which it was portrayed would put it more in the category of women’s fiction. I say this because most of the focus was placed on the female protagonist and the struggles she faced in her everyday life. The author’s writing style made for a compelling read, which pulls you into the story and holds your attention to the end. The characters who are faced with real life issues are likable and easy to relate to. I thought the characters were well developed, however I would have loved it if the main characters were given equal exposure. It would have been great to learn more about the male protagonist. The little that was mentioned indicated that he was an interesting character.
The story is about a young college graduate, Leah, who was in love with her best friend, Lance, however her feelings were not reciprocated. When he chose to marry her nemesis from college instead of facing him and telling him the truth, she ran away and started a new life in a new city. While there she met Scott a handsome Scottish rocker. A friendship developed between them and before Leah knew what hit her feelings for Scott evolved into more than just a mere friendship. Will Leah be able to move past her feelings for Lance and cease what Sean has to offer? Will she be able to handle the exposure that comes with being involved with a famous rock star and last but not least can she handle the stigma that comes with being involved in an interracial relationship?
We see Leah trying to juggle her life, work, family, friends, past and former love. Although she has come to terms with how she felt about Sean she was somewhat guarded. I am not sure it was a case of being cautious, but there were times I found her actions quite frustrating. The story moves smoothly between past and present. We see Leah having flashbacks about her life prior to and after relocating. The story was told from Leah’s POV. Every event is seen through her eyes. The pacing was balanced, which is perfect for this type of story.
After completing this story I somehow understood the reason for the negative reviews. I guess most readers went into this story thinking they would be getting a hot sexy romance, but the story did not live up to their expectations. I could understand why they would believe that based on how the book was marketed. However, if you are willing to move past that initial let down, then you will find yourself enjoying Frost on my Window. With that being said, if you are the type of reader who is only interested in hot sexy romance then this book is not for you. However, if you are looking for a light read with romantic elements and a strong female character, then this book is for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2015: Reviewed