Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

I love reading fairytale retellings. When I found out that this book was a modern retelling of one of my favorite fairy tales, Beauty and the Beast, I couldn't wait to read it. It has a little of everything in it: romance, magic, angst and a massive cliffhanger that leaves you jumping up and screaming because you have to wait until the next book to find out what and why? Don't you love it when an author does that to you? It truly has a great mix of the fairy tale and paranormal, with some very creative twists.

As a reader you feel for Tayla and all that she has struggled with in her life. You of course, love her hunky boyfriend Kyle, who is full of surprises! You have the best friend, Chel, who plays off of Tayla very well. There is also the bad girl, Natalie, that you would love to smack as she walks by.

For those of you that are just plain tired of vampires, and want a furry man (a werewolf!) to star in your dreams, this book is for you. Curse of the Beast is a great first novel from Ashley and you will of course be waiting anxiously for book 2 to come out.

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  • 3 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 August, 2012: Reviewed