Reviewed by zyarose on

5 of 5 stars

"What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?"

That's the kind of question that this book will ask you; but more importantly will help you answer. Many self help books tell a lot of stories, and perspectives but give you very little tools to put what you learn or read into action.

"Dreams to action - Trailblazers guide" literally does what its title says - it helps set your dreams into actions so that you can work toward your goals.

This is a difficult book to review without giving too much away about its contents. So I'm going to use a metaphor. Let's say you wanted to bake a cake. You might look at recipe books to work out which cake you want to bake, and then follow the step by step instructions to get to the exact same cake (or at least somewhere close) as that in the picture. This book doesn't tell you what cake to bake, nor does it give you step by step instructions on how to bake a particular cake. Instead it teaches you the fundamental basics of cooking itself, so you can imagine whatever cake you desire, and create your own steps for baking the cake of your dreams.

I truly like this book because instead of wasting a lot of time telling us how we should be, or what our goals should be, or how being a goal oriented person and following your dreams will make your life better (many of us fundamentally know that already), the book instead takes you straight into the nuts and bolts of setting goals, translating those goals into actions, planning and following through on your goals and even finding time to follow the goals to end up in the place you want to be.

There's sections to fill out with clear guided instructions, there's thought provoking questions to get you thinking about the tough questions we have to ask ourselves and there's great examples, even Julie's calendar as an example to help you compare with your own. Within page 4 of the book you are already answering questions and filling out your thoughts; the book literally refuses to get much further without YOUR input and YOUR thoughts and YOUR actions. In fact, it's not a book, it's more of a journey.

Julie clearly has a lot of experience in this area and a lot of great examples of tools to help people and she's put those into the book. The book is also very inspiring as it is a representation of the author following their own dreams to publish, and it's a strong reminder in your hands to drive you forward as well.

(Full disclosure: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review, but the review is well deserved and receiving the book in no way influenced my review!)

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  • Started reading
  • 23 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 May, 2014: Reviewed