Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

After the heart stopping ending of Forty Days, I was beyond eager to get my hands on Forty Nights! When we last left Neima, she and her family had been highly sick on the ark for a couple of weeks. Things weren't looking good for them or the animals aboard, but things were looking even worse for Jorin, the stowaway. Luckily, there's a voice of reason on board (and the state of Noah's mind and faith come into question) and everyone returns to their routine and chores. I could breath easy again, at least for a little while. Life on the ark isn't getting any easier, and again none of it is sugar coated. People and animals are starving, a pregnant woman's life is at stake, and Keenan is still lurking behind every corner. But there are baby elephants. I love baby elephants!

As a whole, I loved the tale of Neima's Ark. Forty Nights was a great conclusion and well worth the wait. Once the seasickness has passed, another type of restlessness passes over the inhabitants of the ark. Keenan's antics grow more malicious, and not all of the animals are as docile as they were before. There also isn't that strange comfort that Noah's hardcore belief in his God brings, since Neima can see his faith wavering with each passing day. Maybe they aren't being saved? Tensions are super high and I couldn't read fast enough to see how they all got out of this. Of course, anyone familiar with Noah's Ark knows how the story ends. Well, Neima's Ark is a little different, and I really liked it. I wasn't expecting it at all, since Neima came across as a bit more practical to me, but I liked seeing her take a risk. I do love a happy ending!

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  • Started reading
  • 10 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2013: Reviewed