Reviewed by kalventure on

4 of 5 stars

Where Oceanswept was a fun and carefree adventure story, Undertow is more complicated and heartbreaking. Tessa and Nichaolas' relationship was easy and effortless on the sea, but when they return to land and the expectations of high society tug on their emotions and patience. Tessa struggles to reconcile who she has become with who society expects her to be, and Nicholas struggles to be the man he wishes to be. But unfortunately the past and greater political machinations come into play and toy with our main characters and their touching relationship.

I think this is a book that I fell more in love with while re-reading as a more critical reader, although I didn’t even rate it when I first read it in 2014. You may know that romance is not one of my preferred genres, but this Historical Romance second-in-series surpasses the first book in every way. The characters, all of them, are complex and interesting, the romance and love triangle tugs at my heartstrings, and I am still very much in need of the final book.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 31 October, 2018: Reviewed