Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars
I love Bella Jewel's MC romances. She always gives readers the great bad boy MC guys who are squishy on the inside and can make a woman swoon one minute and want to punch the in the junk next. The woman matched up with these bikers are tough and can stand their ground, even when facing some pretty messed up, scary situations. PRECARIOUS is no different. We have the tough as nails VP, Krypt, facing off with the equally tough yet compassionate prison guard, Ash. Theirs is a very unlikely love story.

No one would expect a romance between a prison guard and the inmate she's sworn to watch and protect. But we soon discovers things are not what they seem with inmate Krypt or with Ash's fellow guards. All of that ends up putting Ash is a situation where she needs to rely on the very hot Krypt to keep her safe. Being thrown together like they were poses all sorts of issues for the very independent Ash. She can admit she's attracted to Krypt, but she's afraid she going to lose her independence and the job she loves because of her feelings for the VP. Plus, she struggles with the knowledge that someone who she considered a friend was putting in the line of fire with some really bad guys.

Krypt really was a nice guy, but he had his own set of issues that had him not handling things with Ash very well. He dominated her when he shouldn't. Kept her in the dark, instead of being truthful. And threw his MC lifestyle back in her face when she didn't give him the answer he wanted. But he really did want to build something with Ash and it took almost losing her to figure out what he needed to do.

The author does a lot of world building in this book. With so much happening, I sometimes felt like I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle. It was still a great read. One that was fast paced, with a lot of action, along with a lot of sex. I look forward to book two and seeing where this wild ride is going to go next.

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  • 21 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2014: Reviewed