Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

The hero is John Dalkington-Smythe. He wanted to escape his role as “just in case” heir to the title. He goes into the military and moves to Canada following the war. Unfortunately tragedy strikes and he must return to claim the title and produce an heir with his assumed “wife”. The assumed wife is Faith Smith. She is the real widow of John Smith. As John Smith’s widow Faith would have been destitute, but John Dalkington-Smythe’s widow would receive widow’s benefits. So she pretends to be the widow of John Dalkington-Smythe not knowing that her “husband” is still alive. This was a great storyline that just never took off. The characters were just sort of “blah”. I was never vested in the characters or the storyline. I did like that they had great chemistry and genuinely seemed to respect each other. Each wanted to do the “right” thing and worked together to resolve their plight.

There was no excitement to the storyline. The rejection from society seemed overblown even for a historical novel. Each plot twist fizzled even what I thought would be the main twist which was the man that wanted to blackmail Faith. He ended up being killed and that was that. The embezzlement from the estate was also easily solved. There wasn’t enough intrigue to keep you interested in the storyline.

There wasn’t anything spectacular or memorable about the book. The characters were just average and the pace of the storyline was slow

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 20 March, 2015: Reviewed