Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

That was terribly cute and so adorable. Totally left me with a stupid smile on my face.

It was a little bit of this

And a little bit of this

And a bunch of this

Pro: A lot of She's the Man hijinks, and I loved it.

Pro: This was fun and fluffy and exactly what I wanted when I was reading it.

Pro: The friendship between Al and Hayden was one I really adored. It went from hate to a full blown bromance.

Pro: Christmas in Canada! The holidays with the Tremblay family was a special treat.

Con: Alice's boyfriend was just a horrible human being, and I did not like him very much.

Pro: Kevin, Hayden's big brother, was trying really hard to be there for Hayden, and there were some beautiful moments we were lucky enough to share with them.

Con: The characters were pretty self centered with a lot of flaws BUT

Pro: The characters experienced a lot of growth over the course of the book.

Pro: Hayden was quite wounded, but he had such a big heart under it all, and there were times when he was bearing his soul that got me a little misty.

Pro: Madison was a fantastic friend and support system for Alice, and I also found her quite fun and amusing. She definitely added to the story in a good way.

Pro: There was actually hockey in this book. Seriously, they spend time on the ice and everything.

Overall: An adorable and sweet romance packed with lots of laughs, where the hero and the heroine found themselves and each other.


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  • Started reading
  • 26 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 26 September, 2017: Reviewed