Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant

Messenger of Fear (Messenger of Fear, #1)

by Michael Grant

A twisted take on the battle of good and evil from Michael Grant, the dark genius of YA Fiction.

When Mara wakes up lying in a field of dead grass and shrouded by a heavy mist, she can remember nothing but her name. At first she thinks she is dead. But then she meets him: young, good-looking but pale almost to translucence and dressed all in black. He is the Messenger of Fear. But what does he want with her? And what is the significance of the dead girl in the coffin?

The Messenger sees the darkness in young hearts, and...

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Reviewed by Stephanie on

2 of 5 stars

This book is marketed weird, not what I expected, mildly confusing, and (I'm pretty sure) Grant's attempt to prove that the word 'taciturn' should be used in as much YA literature as possible.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed