Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

by J.K. Rowling

It's the pivotal fourth novel in the seven-part saga of a young wizard's coming of age. The thickest. The juiciest yet. Harry Potter turns fourteen. But will all his friends? Rumors have persisted that one of the characters may not see the conclusion of this novel, something the author has refused either to confirm or deny. But we who love Ron, Hermione, Hagrid...even pitiful Neville Longbottom...wait anxiously to see if they will make it through safely. No one's fate is certain when Volde -- excuse me -- He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is part of the picture.

What is certain is that a novel of excruciating suspense awaits, leavened by J. K. Rowling's inimitable sense of humor and the burgeoning details of her magical world. Whether it's taking a front-row seat at the International Quidditch World Cup, or meeting the new Defense-Against-the-Dark-Arts teacher, or finding out if Harry really does start a romance with Cho Chang, fans of the history-making boy-wizard will find their thirst for Hogwarts adventure slaked deliciously...at least for a little while!

Reviewed by KitsuneBae on

5 of 5 stars


For a complete review,please visit: Thoughts and Pens

HP is like an endless flame, burning better and better with each succeeding book. The Goblet of Fire (GoF) is darker than the previous books but still contains the ingredients that endeared us to Harry and his world.
GoF is a stunning book of sinister plot, a trigger of adrenaline rush and a storage of gruesome truths and betrayals. It was jaw dropping till the end with a lot of twists and turns. Furthermore, GoF is immersing us deeper into the world of HP as we get to know the other wizarding schools in Europe and their cultures.
And who would ever forget this book after it just treated us to the gory Rebirth of Lord Voldemort?


If there’s one thing I found so amazing with HP is that it has well-developed characters. And unlike from the other books which suffer from introducing a lot of characters that everyone and everything gets mixed up, Harry Potter becomes more enjoyable as Rowling introduces new characters. And by golly, I always look forward to the new faces in the book because they become more and more interesting.
Of course, after years and years of waiting, we finally meet the Darkest Wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort. And boy, he was scary as hell, a perfect villain worthy to be called as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Dialogues and Interactions

Being the darkest book out of the first four, GoF evolved into having a more serious tone compared to the others. Although it still has the funny side of things, it was generally dark. Perhaps, this is to emphasize that the world of HP is in transition due to Lord Voldemort’s rebirth.
Overall, JK had been consistent with the dialogues and interactions making us fall in love once more with the characters.

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  • 1 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2015: Reviewed