Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser

Not That I Could Tell

by Jessica Strawser

Drinks in hand, a group of neighbourhood women gather around a fire pit to enjoy a rare child-less Saturday night. Giddy with freedom, they drink too much, share secrets they wish, perhaps, they hadn't, and enjoy getting to know each other better.

The single newcomer. The imperfect mom. The new-born parents. The military wife. The almost divorcee.

Come Monday morning, one of them is gone.

As a police investigation launches, the women will band together and ask whether they should have noticed that something was amiss. But how well can you really know your neighbours, when appearances can be so deceiving?

As long as you believe that what you see is what you get, I get to stay this way.

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

5 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Let me start by saying that when I read the last chapter of this book my jaw dropped! I cannot think of another time in recent months when an ending took me by such surprise. This book is so well written and the subject matter of abuse/violence against women is so important to call attention to. I truly appreciated the author crafting such a suspenseful story around the subject matter. The character of Izzy, a single woman living alone and a possible target of an abuser, is an interesting character. Izzy had me frustrated with her need for a man and seemingly any type of man but the right one! Clara seemed a bit bored with her stay at home life and definitely was one of my favorite characters. Clara's story is told over time and I was always surprised when more of her background was revealed.  Kristen was a total mystery throughout the book which is probably what the author intended. Paul, Kristen's husband was definitely not my favorite. It was so hard to guess what really happened to Kristen and her twins. There is lots of drama in this book but it still had that small town setting to it which I always seem to enjoy. This book literally kept me guessing until the end as to which direction it would go in in terms of Kristen and her twins disappearance, as I mentioned before my jaw dropped as I read the last chapter.  I look forward to this authors next book.

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  • 3 April, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 3 April, 2018: Reviewed