A Deadly Grind by Victoria Hamilton

A Deadly Grind (Vintage Kitchen Mystery, #1)

by Victoria Hamilton

A Hoosier to die for?

When vintage cookware and cookbook collector Jaymie Leighton spies an original 1920s Hoosier brand kitchen cabinet at an estate auction, it's love at first sight. Despite the protests of her sister that the 19th-century yellow-brick house they share in Michigan is already too cluttered with Jaymie's "junk," she successfully outbids the other buyers and triumphantly takes home her Hoosier.

But that night on the summer porch where they've left the Hoosier to be cleaned up, a man is murdered, struck on the head with the steel meat grinder that is part of the cabinet. Who is this stranger--and what was he doing on their porch? Does his death have anything to do with the Hoosier?

As the police struggle to determine the man's identity, Jaymie can't help doing a little digging on her own, accompanied by her three-legged Yorkie Poo, Hopalong. But in her bid to uncover the truth about the hidden secrets of the Hoosier, Jaymie may be the one who ends up going, going...gone.

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

3 of 5 stars

Not bad for a first in a series. The location was charming and I liked the colorful characters and the vintage kitchen is a cute idea. The plot was a little Jessica Fletcher-y. I more or less figured it out early on in the book. There was a little too much internal dialogue going on (the endless mooning over her ex left me flipping through pages an pages) and the foreshadowing could've been more subtle to the same effect.

There was one thing that irritated me: Baking SODA does NOT fizz in water. Ever. Baking POWDER does. If you mix up the two, you will have major baking problems.

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  • 24 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 May, 2014: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 24 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 May, 2014: Reviewed