Hot Earl Summer by Erica Ridley

Hot Earl Summer (The Wild Wynchesters)

by Erica Ridley

Action adventure meets Regency romance in this feminist romp from New York Times Erica Ridley, perfect for fans of Manda Collins and Evie Dunmore.

Bold, curvy Elizabeth Wynchester loves cuddling hedgehogs almost as much as she adores vanquishing villains with the sharp blade concealed inside her cane. Despite others' opinions about her body and gender, nothing will stop her from seeing justice done. When her next mission drops her at the dastardly Earl of Densmore's castle, she's prepared to duel like gentlemen-only to be locked inside! Her trusty sword cannot defeat the castle's hidden traps... or protect her heart from the devilishly handsome rogue guarding the keep.

When reclusive inventor Stephen Lenox agreed to impersonate his cousin for a few days, he didn't expect the earl to vanish altogether. Nor could Stephen predict mounting death threats... or the arrival of a beguiling, blade-wielding spinster who declares herself his new bodyguard. As the earl's enemies lay siege to the castle, Stephen fights his way past Elizabeth's defenses. She'll share his bed, but when the adventure concludes, she vows to sever their affair. Unless he can somehow convince a swashbuckling siren to surrender her heart...

Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

Elizabeth Wynchester is a character I aspire to be. We have many of the same ailments, joint issues, muscle spasms, swelling, and many more. She measures her health like a battery which is something I do as well. I’m useless under 20%, but not Elizabeth. She wielding swords and kicking butt. I wish I could do half as much as the swashbuckler that is Elizabeth Wynchester.

Elizabeth turns out to be the only Wynchester to take on the case of a woman, Miss Oak, needing to find her sister’s will to be able to take possession of Castle Harbrook. Only a couple problems. First, the late mistress of Castle Harbrook loved puzzles therefore hid her will somewhere in the castle. Second, Miss Oak’s nephew, Earl of Densmore, wagered the castle and lost to his neighbor, Richard Reddington. Lastly, Densmore took off, leaving his cousin and heir, Inventor Stephen Lennox, to fight off anyone who dares to attack the castle. Of course, nothing would stop Elizabeth from getting in.

Once Elizabeth gets in and hears what is really going on from Stephen, they agree to work together to protect the castle while they look for the hidden will. With Elizabeth’s collection of swords and Stephen’s machines to fortify the castle, the pair do their best to fight off Reddington and his fake soldiers with very real weapons.

I identify with Stephen as well. I don’t tinker with machines, but I do a lot of this and that with my creative projects. He’s also a homebody. I love staying home to work on my endeavors or curl up with a good book.

I love how Ridley crafted Elizabeth and Stephen’s sexual tension from their first meeting when Elizabeth slices Stephen’s shirt completely open. Never thought I’d be so enthralled by a description of a character’s abdominal muscles! The pair work together on their quest with more than a few hiccups along the way. They make the best of it in the end. The final battle is glorious. I loved how everyone had their purpose and Stephen found a group of people he fit in with. Overall, Hot Earl Summer was a fantastic fast-paced read with a couple with outrageous chemistry. You will not regret loving Elizabeth and Stephen.

Check out the first four books in The Wild Wynchesters series and be on the lookout for the last Wynchesters story summer 2025!

I received Hot Earl Summer for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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  • 12 May, 2024: Reviewed