I Love Mum by Joanna Walsh

I Love Mum

by Joanna Walsh

Some smiles are sun smiles, run for miles smiles

But no one's smile is wider, brighter, than my mum's smile.

Follow two little tiger cubs as they enjoy a fun-filled day with their loving mum.

Reviewed by Jo on

3 of 5 stars

Originally posted on Once Upon a Bookcase.

I Love Mum is a cute story that celebrates the special bond between mother and child. It gets right into how special children think their mothers are, and how they put them up on a pedestal.

It highlights just what multitasking mothers have to do, with entertaining the children, cooking, and doing everything else too, but also how mothers can simply make everything better, with a soothing hug or kiss.

There was no mention or illustration of a father at all in this book. I hope there will be a second book about how great dads are too, because without one, it almost makes it seem like fathers are unnecessary, which I don't think is fair. I do hope there is a second book coming. Dads are awesome too.

Really cute book. Definitely a book for mothers with young children on Mother's Day

Thank you to Simon and Schuster Children's Books for the review copy.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2014: Reviewed