Walking Shadows by Narrelle M. Harris

Walking Shadows

by Narrelle M. Harris

Lissa Wilson's life hasn't been quite the same since people she cared about started getting themselves killed. By vampires. And Lissa learnt that the opposite of life is not always death. On the plus side, she made a new friend. Gary Hooper may be the worst best-friend a librarian could have - and easily the worst vampire ever - but he has taught Lissa the real meaning of life. Gary's worldview has also improved remarkably since meeting Lissa, but all that could be lost if she discovers what services he provides Melbourne's undead community. Meanwhile, as their friendship brings...Read more

Reviewed by Ace on

5 of 5 stars

reread. originally read June 2012.

Originally posted: http://www.novelthoughts.org/review-walking-shadows-by-narelle-m-harris/

Friendship. Love. Awkwardness. Lust. Drama. Adventure. Action. Tribulations. Family. Vampires. Melbourne.

I was introduced to this series by a friend in 2011. It appealed to me for a number of reasons beyond the fact it was written by a local Melbourne author. Beyond the fact that the Vampires in these books are different to most others the main human is a socially awkward Librarian. For those who don’t know me, well I’m socially awkward and a trained librarian! The fact that it’s also based in Melbourne is great too. There’s something I like a lot about being able to read a book and go oh I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE and actually be able to picture the area instead of imagining it/basing it on the descriptions within the books.

Plus Gary is so adorkable that it is brilliant.

Narelle (a lovely lady if you ever get the chance to meet her) writes in a way that is highly immersive. Perhaps it’s the points above combined, perhaps also her writing style but I find it quite hard to actually put down her books. The world building and how she has differentiated her Vampires to the other Vampires in literature (also a Vampire that researches ‘fictional’ Vampires for a living is a BRILLIANT idea just saying).

Narelle’s books explore not only what it is like to be a Vampire in a modern time but also the morality of Vampires and how different Vamps accept vs don’t accept being Vampires. Not only that but it’s funny. Helped along by two socially awkward main characters (Lissa & Gary) they’re supported by their friends and family who don’t know about Vamps or some do. A drunken father, a mother who… Well is dead and a sister who isn’t sure what to make of Lissa being best friends with a Vampire. Oh and a possible romance thrown in and add a heap of action you have one rollicking read.

While the characters might have a rough ride during the book it is worth it in the end.

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  • 10 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2017: Reviewed