Princess Joy's Birthday Blessing by Jeanna Young, Jacqueline Johnson

Princess Joy's Birthday Blessing (The Princess Parables)

by Jeanna Young and Jacqueline Johnson

When none of the princes or princesses from neighboring kingdoms is able to attend Princess Joy's birthday party, she asks the King if she can invite children from the village, instead, in this version of the parable of the wedding guests. Includes note about the parable and its meaning for children.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

What a delightful series for my daughters to grow up with reading again and again while learning about various gospel lessons. I am curious how many stories there will be in the series, whether it will be one per princess or even more. The artistry is absolutely adorable and whimsical. I would be excited for my girls to want to emulate these princesses over your generic fairy tale princesses any day. “Prince Joy’s Birthday Blessing” teaches a great lesson about what real gifts in life are about. While “Princess Grace and the Little Lost Kitten” teaches about the importance of each and everyone.

*Thanks to Zondervan for providing a copy for review.*

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 27 May, 2011: Reviewed