Dissonance by Erica O'Rourke

Dissonance (Dissonance)

by Erica O'Rourke

Delancey Sullivan knows for sure that there is more than one universe. Many more. Because every time someone makes a choice, a new, parallel world spins off the existing one. Eating breakfast or skipping it, turning left instead of right, sneaking out instead of staying in bed - all of these choices create an alternate universe in which an echo self takes the road not travelled. Del knows all of this because she's a Walker, someone who can navigate between the worlds, and whose job is to keep the dimensions in harmony.

But Del's decisions have consequences too. And when she secretly starts to investigate other dissonant worlds she's intrigued by the echo versions of Simon Lane, a guy who won't give her the time of day in the main world, but whose alternate selves are uniquely interested. But falling for Simon draws Del closer to a truth that the Council of Walkers is trying to hide - a secret that threatens the fate of the entire multiverse.

Reviewed by Ashley on

3 of 5 stars

Nose Graze — Book reviews & blogging tips

Dissonance was:

  • * Interesting. The concept was pretty cool.

  • * A little confusing. There were pivot points, inversions, baroque events, and more. Just when I thought I'd be getting the hang of one term, another would be introduced, then I'd lose my grasp on BOTH of them. After a certain point, I gave up trying to fully understand and remember everything.

  • * Waaaay too long. I got bored. By the last quarter, I was skimming like a mad woman.

  • * Repetitive. A lot of the book was just going on "assignments", visiting worlds, and pointing out technical aspects of them. Over, and over again. It's like reading about a character going to math class every day, but this "math class" was more of a "world hopping" class.

  • * Weird in the romance department. I don't even know how to explain it, it was just strange. She dated like 3 "versions" of the same guy.. at once..

  • * Pretty cool with the secrets and conspiracies. I really love that kind of thing in a book.

I wasn't crazy about Dissonance just because it was sooooooo freaking long, and that made it boring. Then mix in the other issues like the repetitiveness, odd romance, and confusion, and it wasn't a fabulous book. But it was an interesting idea and I did love the "big organization is hiding things" part of the book. I wish I had a chance to see it develop more!

Dissonance had a lot of potential. I think it would have been better if the characters were a bit more relatable and like one third of the book was cut out. Seriously, it was way too long!

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Reviewed