Lucky Caller by Emma Mills

Lucky Caller

by Emma Mills

When Nina decides to take a radio broadcasting class her senior year, she expects it to be a walk in the park. Instead, it’s a complete disaster.

The members of Nina's haphazardly formed radio team have approximately nothing in common. And to maximise the awkwardness her group includes Jamie - a childhood friend she'd hoped to basically avoid for the rest of her life.

With the warmth, wit, intimate friendships, and heart-melting romance she brings to all her books, Emma Mills crafts a story about believing in yourself, owning your mistakes, and trusting in human connection. Fans of Jenny Han and Morgan Matson will find a new favorite in Emma Mills.

Reviewed by katie on

5 of 5 stars

Full review to be published on January 8 at as part of the blog tour by Rockstar Book Tours

In the meantime, just *heart eyes forever*

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  • Started reading
  • 21 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 21 December, 2019: Reviewed