Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

For the sake of honestly I have to admit that while I had enjoyed the first two issues of this series, I hadn’t really felt myself getting invested in anything that was happening. That all changed with this issue. I am now fully curious to see where things go next, who will be involved, and a dozen other questions and concerns I could list out, but I’ll spare you.
There were a few highlights in particular for this issue. The first came rather late in the issue, but it once again brought up what Tony had done to himself. If they ever explicitly stated everything Tony did to himself, I missed it. Since I don’t have all the details I want, I’ve been slowly piecing it together with every hint dropped. Don’t get me wrong: I know the basics. I’m just super nosy and curious about all the details of the process. What specifically was done, and how, and why. That sort of thing. So I was pretty pleased that another hint was dropped here, even if it was a general statement.
While I wasn’t crazy about Jacinta, her character has grown on me with time. Especially in this issue. Having her as the front of the debate about sentience, possession of a soul, and so on was a clever choice, if a bit on the nose. It is however giving us some insight to something bigger, which is saying something.
I’ve always been a fan of these sorts of debates, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I ended up liking this issue so much. It didn’t hurt that they managed to make Jacinta so adorable and personable at the same time. She went from being a cliché character to a fascinating one in the blink of an eye, and I’m all for it.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2018: Reviewed