The Odyssey by Homer, S. H. Butcher, Andrew Lang

The Odyssey

by Homer, S. H. Butcher, and Andrew Lang

The Odyssey recounts the adventures of Odysseus on his way home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

Reviewed by lyx on

3 of 5 stars

Not sure how to rate this exactly, it falls somewhere between a 3.6-3.8.

I enjoyed the first part of the tale, Telemachus and Odysseus's respective journeys and adventures, but I didnt care too much for the second half. The lengths of Odysseus's waiting and hiding between the suitors for him to finally up and kill them wasn't quite as intriguing. I suppose it makes for a better story told after a long day at a fireplace durijg a different time, than me reading about it in 2021.

I certainly understand how it wouldve survived allt his time and become the classic it is and me not fully loving it doesn't diminish its impact on literature and media that has come past it.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 27 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 27 October, 2021: Reviewed