Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Sleeping Beauty and the Beast...two fairy tales woven into one. I absolutely love a well written twisted fairy tale and Melissa Lemon has always done a great job of doing this in the past. I loved Cinder and Ella and also Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem. Sleeping Beauty and the Beast shows again why Melissa has this fairy tale "telling" down to a science. She takes old stories and makes them into a different story. Once familiar characters are now brand new.

I loved how Sleeping Beauty was written. We hear her tell her own story, even though she's asleep and she can move about in her dreams. This is how she meets Prince Henry. At first he is the only one that can see Princess Eglantine as she floats around in her ethereal form. They become close as they learn to talk, listen and support each other through their trials.

The Beast part of this fairy tale is unique in that "The Beast" is a woman, not a man. Prince Henry's brother, Duncan, becomes intrigued and obsessed with the wild woman accused of murder. Being different from his brother and how he views the royal life, Duncan goes out of his way to free this agonized woman both physically and mentally. This part of the story truly touched me as Duncan never gave up on this woman that others were so ready to put to death.

Sleeping Beauty and the Beast will challenge the old telling of these tales. You will find yourself quickly enveloped in the lives of all four characters. The ending will leave you happy and fulfilled. This clean read is suitable for any tween, teen and adult reader who loves a fairy tale with a perfect ending.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 June, 2014: Reviewed