Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Bury by John W. Mefford is the third book in the Ball & Chain Thriller series. Once again, I had the privilege to join Willow and Cooper on their adventure, which was filled with danger, mystery and intrigue.

The story began on an interesting note and I geared up myself for an exciting and intense mystery. Someone was murdering 14-year-old girls by burying them alive. However, there were several subplots, which led to that aspect of the story ended up being buried between these threads. Eventually, the mystery surrounding the live burials came into focus and figuring out the identity of the perpetrator became the focal point of the story.

There were some connection between the murders and one subplot, which I never expected. Talk about jaw dropping. As I write this review, I am still trying to decipher that particular thread. The story intensified at this point and it had me on edge of my seat. Questions raised because of the other elements within the story were unanswered, however I suspect there will be further developments in the next installment.

In the last installment, Fear, we see Cooper trying to handle several things in his life. The situation remains the same with one new addition, his fourteen-year-old daughter. Cooper’s relationship with his daughter proved challenging at first, but things turned around in the end.

His relationship with Willow appears to be taking a turn for the better. I think they make a great team and their chemistry is off the charts. I hope they finally get their act together and acknowledge their feelings.

Once again Mefford as weaved a tale filled with humour, twists and suspense that will keep you glued to the pages. Fans of mystery and suspense will love this series. I recommend that the books be read in order of release to gain a full understanding of the many events in the characters’ lives.

I have volunteered to share my review and all the opinions are 100% my own.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2019: Reviewed