Kiss Me in New York by Catherine Rider

Kiss Me in New York

by Catherine Rider

"It's Christmas Eve at JFK in NYC. Charlotte is a British student, waiting for a flight home after the worst semester of her life. Anthony is a native New Yorker, surprising his girlfriend at the airport after three months apart. Charlotte has just been dumped, and Anthony is about to be dumped, right in the middle of the holiday crowd. Charlotte's flight is canceled when a blizzard blows in, and Anthony can't bear to go home. So, they set out into the city together, clutching a book Charlotte picks up in the airport gift shop: Ten Easy Steps for Getting Over Your Ex. For this one night, they'll focus on healing their broken hearts ... together. Step-by-step, the two struggle to put the past behind them. But the snow is so enchanting, and the holiday lights are so beguiling, that soon their shared misery gives way to something else. Soon, they're not only over their exes --- they're falling for each other. Then a subway ride splits them up by mistake. Will they reunite before Charlotte's flight leaves New York forever?" --Amazon.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

So cute and adorable and exactly was I was looking for today.

Pro: This was so adorable, and I really had fun traveling around NYC as they tried to complete the Ten Easy Steps for Getting Over Your Ex. I wore a grin on my face for most of this book, and laughed a whole bunch too.

Pro: Both Charlotte and Anthony were delightful and I know if they were real people, we would be fast friends. They also were great together. Their interactions and banter were quite amusing, and even when stuff got real and they got real, there was always this connection between them that was easy to spot.

Con: I was very excited when the epilogue featured a time jump. I love getting that peek into the future of my characters' lives, however, this jump was not enough to answer a BIG question I had. It was hopeful, so I wasn't all bent out of shape, but I wish we had jumped a little further into the future, so I could have had that closure I so needed.

Pro: I liked that Rider built in the possibility that there could be a future between Charlotte and Anthony. You would think that Charlottes's semester abroad is ending, she is going back to England, and "goodbye, Anthony", but that was not the case.

Pro: Both Anthony and Charlotte had great families. Charlotte's interactions are over the phone with her family, as they are in England, but you can feel the love and the warmth. Anthony has a wonderful big Italian family, but this is a difficult Christmas for them, as they are still grieving a great loss. The Christmas dinner was quite touching, and it may have brought a few tears to my eyes.

Overall: This book was exactly what I needed when I read it. It was so cute and adorable. It warmed me from the inside out and left a dopey grin on my face.


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  • Started reading
  • 25 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 August, 2017: Reviewed