Honor Bound by C J Archer

Honor Bound (Witch Born, #1)

by C.J. Archer

Elizabethan England

Seven years ago a woman with too many secrets and a man with too many lies fell in love. Then she left him.

Isabel’s quiet life as an assistant to one of London’s famous apothecaries hides a deadly secret. A secret that could see her put on trial for witchcraft if the authorities uncover the truth. But when the authority figure who turns up at her shop is Sir Nicholas Merritt, she’s at risk of losing more than her life. She could lose her heart and soul, and the man she loves.

Royal spy Sir Nicholas Merritt can’t believe his luck when he stumbles upon Isabel during an investigation. He’s been searching for her for seven long years and now he has her again, in his bed and his life. Except she’s resisting all the way. Worse still, she’s somehow tangled up with a plot to assassinate the queen. To hold onto her this time, he must find out why she left him while hiding a secret of his own that could tear them apart forever.

Reviewed by Stephanie on

5 of 5 stars

Originally posted at Once Upon a Chapter

I could not put down Honor Bound. Isabel is a strong woman in a time where men ran the world and all those in it. She doesn't get on your nerves though. She is a smart woman who has supported herself for the past six years. Isabel's decisions are made based on those around her and never for herself. She's a kind and thoughtful soul. She helps the working girls that no one else would bother with.

Nicholas has looked for Isabel for the past six years. He never gave up hope and he didn't seek the annulment that his mother kept trying to pressure him into. Nicholas hoped and prayed that one day he'd find Isabel. He just never imagined that it would play out with his investigation into treason and attempted murder.

The secondary characters were also awesome, for lack of a better word. They were there to support the main couple but never overshadowed them at any point. Ash, Meg and Old Man Shawe wormed their way into my heart with very limited page space. Particularly Shawe.

The mystery was good. I didn't figure out who the baddie was but I have to think that it's because the chemistry between the hero and heroine took up most of my attention. Isabel and Nick don't have to be introduced to each other. They have a history. It's fascinating to watch them work through it and realize how much they mean to each other. It's also nice to watch them work together to try and find the bad guy. Nick also treats Isabel with respect even after all they've been through.

The only issue that I encountered is at the end of the book I kept thinking that I was hitting the happily ever after and this was going to be IT. Each time though, there was another issue that popped up only to be taken care of within the next page or two. This is very minor compared to the story that awaits the reader. For $2.99 you shouldn't hesitate to read this book. I'm very much looking to the second in the series. Ash grabbed my attention in the first book and I am very eager to meet the woman who will be his match!

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  • Started reading
  • 16 May, 2011: Finished reading
  • 16 May, 2011: Reviewed