The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare

The Winter's Tale (Winter's Tale, #11) (Sweet Cherry Easy Classics) (NEW LONGMAN LITERATURE) (eBook, #23) (Shakespeare's Complete Works) (Shakespeare Scriptorium) (20 Shakespeare Children's Stories (Easy Classics))

by William Shakespeare

The Newly Revised Signet Classic Shakespeare Series The work of the world’s greatest dramatist edited by outstanding scholars

The Winter’s Tale

Unique Features of the Signet Classic Shakespeare

•An extensive overview of Shakespeare’s life, world, and theater by the general editor of the Signet Classic Shakespeare series, Sylvan Barnet

•Special introduction to the play by the editor, Frank Kermode, Fellow of the British Academy

•Source from which Shakespeare derived The Winter’s Tale—a generous selection from Robert Greene’s Pandosto

•Dramatic criticism from the past and present: commentaries by Simon Forman, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, E.M.W. Tillyard, G. Wilson Knight, Carol Thomas Neely, and Coppelia Kahn

•A comprehensive...

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Reviewed by clementine on

3 of 5 stars

The thing is that this was for school, and I am done with that class, and I don't really want to write a review for it, but I did like it and its fantastical elements and highly improbable storyline, and it was kind of weird and definitely imperfect, but overall one of the better plays we read this past semester, and this is all I am going to write.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 3 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 April, 2013: Reviewed