Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin

Extraordinary (Impossible, #2)

by Nancy Werlin

Phoebe, a member of the wealthy Rothschilds family, befriends Mallory, an awkward new girl in school, and the two become as close as sisters, but Phoebe does not know that Mallory is a faerie, sent to the human world to trap the ordinary human girl into fulfilling a promise made by her ancestor Mayer to the queen of the faeries.

Reviewed by ladygrey on

3 of 5 stars

I don't know what to say about Extraordinary.

I liked it, generally. The characters are all well developed, the plot moves along quite nicely. It's much more in fairie than [b:Impossible|3188580|Impossible|Nancy Werlin|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1267844831s/3188580.jpg|3221515]. Even when it's in the real world you get a sense of fairy influence and manipulation.

Like all good fairy stories there are turns that make good people seem bad and bad people seem good, with one exception. But I think I never really loved the main character, Phoebe. Even when she was 18 she felt immature and petulant and maybe that's how some 18-year-olds are but, true or not, it kept me from rooting for her. and I didn't love her romantic interest - either of them. So, the only person I really connected with were her best friend, Mallory, and her mother a little. which is not to say I didn't like the other characters or get into the story. This just isn't an emotional or especially romantic book.

I guess I think this is a good book; a fun, light, easy read and a very decent fairy story. but not especially engaging or wonderful. maybe a great summer, beach read.

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  • 2 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2010: Reviewed