Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

4 of 5 stars

Rachel loved John so much, she told a lie to set him free. Now she's divorced with three sons and in need of a last minute nanny for the summer.

John was crushed when his girlfriend Rachel broke up with him soon after they made love for the first time. Years have passed, but he's never forgotten her. Since his mother took on the role of surrogate grandmother to Rachel's boys, he learns of the nanny dilemma. One look at Rachel and all those old feelings came rushing back. What he didn't know was the same thing happened to her.

Over the course of the summer, Rachel and John get to know each other again. Rutland creates an epic level of sexual tension as the two fumble their way through the hot summer nights. The burn is slow, but completely necessary for the development of Rachel and John as individuals as well as a couple.

I had trouble thinking about how the summer could possibly end well for our lovers, but Rutland gives us all the perfect happily ever after.

Thanks so much to Entangled Publishing and Jenna Rutland for providing me with a copy of Just for Appearances in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2015: Reviewed