If You Know Her by Shiloh Walker

If You Know Her (Ash Trilogy, #3)

by Shiloh Walker

Nia Hollister doesn’t scare easily. She’s returned to Ash, Kentucky, with a vengeance—and with a mission: find the killer who brutally ended her cousin’s life. What she didn’t count on was trembling with desire every time she sees Law Reilly. If any man can help her escape the nightmares for a while, it’s him. But can she allow herself to take comfort in those strong arms when her sister’s killer still roams free?

She may think she’s a bad ass, but she should not have come back to his town. He is watching her—as she slips into Law Reilly’s house, as she storms into the sheriff’s office. These men won’t be able to protect her when her time comes. Timing is everything, though he can’t wait forever. She’s nosing around the woods, looking for his hiding place. Yes, he is watching her . . . through the window . . . in her bed . . .
If she’s not scared, she should be . . . because he is very good at what he does.

Reviewed by Melanie on

5 of 5 stars

This was the best book of the trilogy, but then everything wraps up in this book. You find out who the killer is (and boy, that was an extremely big surprise, but then I guess serial killers usually are). There are a lot of people who I'm sad because they die in this book and even in previous books. You really get to like characters and then they go and die on you. The worst death to me was in the second book.

I would highly recommend this trilogy to pretty much anyone. The suspense is great. You have no clue who the killer is until the author wants you to know. You read from the killer's point of view several times throughout the series, but it isn't until the author gives a very obvious clue that you learn who he is. Then in the next chapter, she starts using his name and you know for certain.

I want to thank Shiloh Walker for these books. They were provided to me by her from a contest on Twitter. I've read several of her books and have enjoyed most of them. This series really wasn't on my radar, because I normally read more along the paranormal and there is nothing paranormal about this series. I'm so glad that I read them.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 22 July, 2012: Reviewed