As Luck Would Have it by Alissa Johnson

As Luck Would Have it (Providence, #1)

by Alissa Johnson

Young Sophie Everton, whose life has had more than its share of ups-and-downs, is determined to restore her family's fortune by becoming a spy for the Prince Regent, but finds the dark and dangerous Duke of Rockeforte in her way.

Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

I snagged McAlistair's Fortune, book three in the series, from the library first, but when I was finished, I requested As Luck Would Have It. And when I finished that book, well, I went and borrowed the second book.

A bit of historomance crack, this series.

Coming into the first book of the series already being familiar with the characters perhaps put me at an advantage, at least as far as knowing what goes on and who's up to what. Not there's much set up required...

I do have to admit that this was a total escape read, and under different circumstances, I likely would have found Alex overbearing and far too possessive. But I ignored it and cheered Sophie on every time she slipped through his fingers.

Though I wasn't much of a fan of the luck arc (especially as it played out in the end), I do have to admit that Sophie and Alex were fun, and I liked finishing the book knowing that, based on my experience reading book three, Sophie's still giving Alex a run for his money.

Definitely a fun historical romance you can escape into, while leaving you just a little breathless.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Reviewed