A Good Rogue Is Hard To Find by Kelly Bowen

A Good Rogue Is Hard To Find (The Lords of Worth)

by Kelly Bowen

The rogue's life has been good to William Somerhall: He has his fortune, his racehorses, and his freedom. Then he moves in with his mother. It seems the eccentric Dowager Duchess of Worth has been barely skirting social disaster-assisted by one Miss Jenna Hughes, who is far too bright and beautiful to be wasting her youth as a paid companion. Now home to keep his mother from ruin, William intends to learn what's afoot by keeping his friends close-and the tempting Miss Hughes closer still.

He's tall, dark, and damnably intelligent-unfortunately for Jenna. She and the duchess are in the "redistribution business," taking from the rich and giving to the poor, and it's going great - until he shows up. But even as William plots to make an honest woman out of her, Jenna will use all her wiles to reveal just how bad a rogue he can be . . .

Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

Like with I've Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm, the first book in the Lords of Worth series, A Good Rogue Is Hard to Find had me instantly wanting the next book. (Sidenote: thus began the eternal dilemma: ebook or paperback? For once, the latter was cheaper than the ebook, but I really want the ebook. WHY? Now I don't have the book either way because DECISIONS ARE HARD.)

But man. The first half of this book practically had me snorting with laughter. Will's mom, who we meet in the first book, purposely cultivates an eccentric reputation. She keeps chickens in the house. She has other odd animals. When Will finally drags his feet to attend one of his mother's dinner parties, he's met with fleeing carriages down the drive and gets knocked to his ass by a fleeing chicken.

You guys. I adored the duchess. And Will has no idea what his mother is up to, nor that she's much MUCH sharper than she lets on. Circumstances in their past mean that they've grown apart, but Will is so determined to care and NOT be his father that his efforts to move in are sweet, if misguided.

And Jenna. That woman has secrets, for as much as she's honest and open with Will. I liked that she saw the good in Will, that she was able to see beyond the title -- because he needed that, too -- and that they were both well-suited to each other... you know, if only they could see things.

So the reason the first half of the book had me wanting to laugh and not the second half is that the situation started heating up (in more ways than one, if you know what I mean) and things got SERIOUS in the best possible way. It was difficult to put the book down. I had to know how it ended and whether or not Will and Jenna would get together. (Which is silly, because romance, but there you go.)

I like the way the romance unraveled. Kelly Bowen has a knack for delivering seemingly pointless (or harmless, I suppose) lines early in the book that come into play at the end in exciting ways. And certain scenes in this book made me wonder what Lady Viola (main character in the novella that follows this book) is up to, because I didn't completely enjoy her character in this book. (But not enough to not read.)

So. The second book was as good as the first, and for me, that's the hallmark of a great author. I look forward to whatever Kelly Bowen writes next.

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  • 31 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 31 August, 2015: Reviewed