Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Bite Me, Your Grace is a delightful read about two people who don't quite fit into polite London society. Angelica just wants to write. She wants to be the next big name in gothic fiction, but her mother is determined to marry her off to a titled man in order to obtain her own inheritance. Angelica is not at all happy with this plan, so she's set to ruin herself! Too bad that duke Ian Ashton is quite taken with her eccentricities, and asks for her hand. Taking a bride may also help deflect the rumors that he's a vampire. Which is he.

I thought Bite Me, Your Grace was really cute. I love unconventional heroines and vampires! Angelica just wants to be able to support herself with her writing and has no need of a man. She tries everything to get Ian to call off their engagement, but he thinks she's just afraid of him and he seeks to ease her fears! There is a lot of miscommunication between these two! So frustrating! Like, just talk to each other! They both develop feelings, but think the other doesn't have feelings! Admit your love! They totally misinterpret the other's intentions until things happen!

Aside from the romance, there is a vampire hunter plot! Dr. John Polidori wrote The Vampyre, which has been accredited to Lord Byron. Well, John wrote it as a metaphor about how Lord Byron uses people and broke his heart. But everyone thinks it's about Ian! Needless to say Ian is not pleased and wishes to be rid of John, but John's vampire lover has a plan! Hire a vampire slayer to kill Ian! Dun dun dun! This side plot was kind of fun, but I don't think it was developed enough. It just popped up occasionally and that was that.

Bite Me, Your Grace was a fun, quick read. It didn't quite wow me, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I loved how London was completely obsessed with vampires, but didn't fully believe in them, but it still caused problems for their resident vamp. Except for, of course, Angelica who is obsessed with all things macabre. They were a perfect match!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 11 July, 2015: Reviewed