Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

Colton Freeze has just returned to Mineral Lake after obtaining his degree. He is going to take over running the family business. When he get home, he finds that one of his best friends, Melanie Jacoby, has been working herself to death working two jobs in addition to running her ranch. Melanie has been one of his closest friends almost a part of the family, since they were kids. If she was having financial problems, she should have come to him.

Melanie isn’t looking for a hand-out from Colton or his family. What Melanie needs money for is a private matter. Melanie body is working against her and is she doesn’t hurry, she will never have a child of her own. The cost of freezing her eggs is expensive but would be worth it if she has a chance to have a baby of her own when she gets married. When that doesn’t work, Melanie goes for Option 2, a trip to the sperm bank. If she tries to conceive now, she might still be able to have her own child.

Colton is shocked to find out what is happening to Melanie and upset that she didn’t turn to him for support. Having a baby is part of Colton’s grand plan after falling in love and getting married. You know, far off in the future plans. But the idea of Melanie carrying someone stranger’s baby is enough to make Colton rethink his future to-do list.

While Colton and Melanie are unsure about the changes that their friendship face if they become lovers, it seems that the whole town has been betting for quite awhile now on how long it would take for Colton and Melanie to get together.

This was a cute romance. Colton and Melanie were likable characters. There was a strong attachment between the two and they were the only ones concerned about how attempting to have a baby would effect their relationship. But it is Colton who is giving off the appearance of wanting to help Melanie, so you can understand Melanie’s concern that at what point, if she doesn’t get pregnant, do they walk away before she feels she traps Colton and keeps him from having a future.

The only thing that bothered me and made me want to smack Colton upside the head is when he didn’t want Melanie carrying anyone else’s baby but his, but then he couldn’t image being able to be there for them long term. He can’t imagine her having someone else’s baby, but for a smart and educated man he doesn’t take that thought further that he would be okay with another man taking over his role in Melanie’s life and raising his kid? If not being the father made him crazy, he didn’t seem the type to walk away and let someone else step in to be the husband and father. That part definitely went against his character.

The town bet added fun to the story. Little old ladies offering up inappropriate dates to push Melanie and Colton together in a timely fashion to meet their bet deadlines. And there is everyone’s refusal to admit who is the bet taker in Town.

I am a big fan of Rebecca’s Dark Protectors series and her Sin Brothers series, but this story lacks the excitement of the other two series. I haven’t had a chance to read the first two of the Maverick Montana series but this one seems more in the category of a sweet romance with a background of strong rancher family. This is a series to enjoy for the strong family bonds.

Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 24 March, 2014: Reviewed