Reviewed by kalventure on

5 of 5 stars

This f***ing book. I'm going to be honest: I got it solely because my love for Felicia Day knows no bounds. She's one of my favorite people who has always given me the permission to be my own brand of weird... so I half read the title of the book and downloaded it. I didn't even know it was centered on harnessing and unleashing creativity until I started listening to it. Oops? But you know how some books just sort of find you when you need them the most? Yea... this one has been added to that list.
"The heart of creativity is play."
I listened to this book in two sessions on my flights to/from a quick trip to visit friends & my doctor. Narrated by Felicia herself, the audiobook is full of energy and quirkiness, and was a pleasure to read. I'll admit that I wasn't equipped on my flight to do the exercises on the PDF provided (motion sickness), but I thought about my answers and feel like I will get some value from them -- I plan on listening to the book again and taking all that time to doodle and think and create. Which is really exciting!
"No one can stop you from believing in yourself but you."
I love how relatable Felicia is. Her struggles with anxiety and perfectionism mirror my own and I feel like the exercises she gave will help me tackle them in my life. The book has fantastic replay value and honestly? I think everyone should read it, even if they aren't wanting to be creative. (although we all probably would benefit from an outlet.) Talking about tangible ways to handle anxiety, perfectionism, and jealousy (to name a few) with the flair of nerdy RPG action-inspired tools can be useful to so many people.
"We can all shine without dimming each other's lights."
This book is fantastic and provides a ton of tools and exercises, with a nerdy spin, to help tap into our creative selves and squash the monsters that often hold us back. As someone who struggles with crippling anxiety in her daily life, I look forward to visualizing a D6 roll to see how I will try to defeat it. The book also has plenty of personal anecdotes from Felicia and you can tell that this is a pasion project for her. I am so glad that I decided to read this one!

ALC provided by the publisher via LibroFM in exchange for my honest review.
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  • 18 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 18 December, 2019: Reviewed