The Drowning by Rachel Ward

The Drowning

by Rachel Ward

What happens if you've done something terrible? But you can't remember
what. And you don't know how to put it right ...

When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a lake, his brother is being
zipped into a body bag. What happened in the water? He can't

And when he glimpses a beautiful girl he thinks he recognises, she
runs away.Suddenly he knows he must find her - because together
they must face the truth before it drowns them.

Reviewed by Nessa Luna on

2 of 5 stars

Hmm, the beginning sounded intriguing, but it didn't really live up to the synopsis for me. I didn't like Carl, I wasn't a huge fan of Neisha and the story was just very slow until at some point it was really rushed. I've read some reviews for the sequel and they're saying that one's better, so I might still check it out... But I'm not rushing to buy it.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 21 May, 2020: Reviewed