Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

This book is not kid friendly. Of course, I knew that when I started reading but I do have some younger followers and want to warn them, don’t read it. Of course, now that I said that, it will be downloaded and read on the sly.

It was a pretty good book. Actually, it was very creepy, and I got the chills during some parts of the book. Not bad chills, good chills. Like scary, I can’t sleep at night chills.

I thought Albert and Brandy were morons for actually going into the sewers. Then I thought Brandy was one because she kept sticking with Albert.

The ending was solid and, again, the creep factor came in. I will be looking for book 2 to read because I want to know if Albert goes back to the temple and if he takes Brandy with him.

**I voluntarily reviewed this book**

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  • Started reading
  • 3 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 3 January, 2015: Reviewed