Rescued By The Firefighter by Catherine Lanigan

Rescued By The Firefighter (Shores of Indian Lake, #10)

by Catherine Lanigan

He saved her life...

But will he destroy her dreams?

Firefighter Rand Nelson is tall and handsome and has literally walked through an inferno for Beatrice Wilcox. He's a hero...and that's exactly the problem. Beatrice knows all too well the risks of loving a man with a dangerous career. But when Rand's report threatens her beloved children's camp, Beatrice can't refuse his offer of help...even though she knows they're both playing with fire.

Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Rescuing hearts

Hmm. What to say? A handsome firefighter who rescues the damsel in distress. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Well, maybe. However, despite the valiant rescue that introduced the story, things really began to heat up as Rand made choices that Beatrice took personally.

Beatrice has a heart of gold. Because she experienced neglect in her childhood, she was determined to show love to as many children as came into her path. When the aftermath of the fire threatens her camp, she is furious with the one bringing the trouble into her life. Rand. The only problem is that she has trouble fighting her attraction to him.

Rand is such a rule-follower – for good reason. The one time he wasn’t, it cost a man his life. So despite the fact that he risks his own life on a regular basis, he isn’t willing to risk bending the rules. If that means reporting that the camp doesn’t meet fire regulations, so be it. I enjoyed how he wasn’t willing to just leave Beatrice hanging, though, and jumped in to help her as much as he could. And the way he dealt with Eli and Chris was heartwarming.

This is a fun, sweet story. Though there is a dramatic rescue at the onset, it is not a suspenseful or action-filled story, it is more about the relationship between the main characters.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I received a complimentary copy of this but was not required to leave a review.

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  • 7 November, 2018: Reviewed