Reviewed by Lindsey Gray on

5 of 5 stars

Laura is hard at work in the college library when the threat of yet another tornado comes through. She sends her best friend on her way and tends to the rest of the students. Since she has to secure the library or face the wrath of her boss, her crush, Aiden, stays behind to help.

For anyone who lives in "tornado alley", stories like this one are happen every tornado season. The fear of trapped loved ones, destruction of your town, and the possible loss of life is terrifying when those alarms sound. Laura has been jaded by one too many alarms and doesn't take things as seriously as she should. Thank God Aiden is there to help her out.

I have lived through my share of tornados passing through my town and neighboring communities. They are unpredictable creatures and unfortunately many people never think it will happen to them. Logan does an amazing job of conveying a real danger for Laura and Aiden. My heart pounded while I read about their race to safety. The life and death situation culminates in confessions from both of them.

Even though this is a short story, it left a lasting impression on me. When a writer is able to convey friendship, love, fear, and relief in such a short span, that is an amazing talent. I have read some stories that are less than 10,000 words that convey more than stories of over 100,000 words. Congratulations Sydney on your well crafted 10,000 words.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2013: Reviewed