Nightfall by L J Smith

Nightfall (Vampire Diaries: The Return, #1)

by L.J. Smith

Book 5 in L. J. Smith's incredible vampire series - in love with two vampire brothers, will Elena choose good or evil? Currently streaming on Netflix and ITV-X

A phenomenally popular vampire romance sequence from the best selling author of Night World, L. J. Smith.

Elena Gilbert is alive - again!

When Elena sacrificed herself to save the two vampire brothers who love her she was consigned to a fate beyond death. Until a powerful supernatural force pulled her back.
Now Elena is not just human. She has powers. What's more, her blood pulses with a unique force that makes her irresistible to...

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Reviewed by angelarenea9 on

2 of 5 stars

This book was just weird. Really though what did I just read? At one point I just stared at the book and thought 'Huh?' Some of my favorite things were:
Baby Elena angel and her sexual relationship with daddy Stefan
Mutant tree things
Pregnant Caroline wreaking havoc on the whole town
Slutty little girls gluing stuff and piercing stuff
Incestuas demon fox people and a snow globe hideout

What even happened at the end there?

I think Miss Smith must have hired a 5 year old to come up with this book. It made no sense.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 September, 2013: Reviewed